
Beauty & Pure 8


P.Bannerjee asked Bhagavan what is the difference between Jivanmukti (Realisation while in the body) and Videhamukti (Realisation after death).
B.: There is no difference. For those who ask, it is said:
A Jnani with a body is a Jivanmukta and he attains Videhamukti when he sheds the body. But this difference exists only for the onlooker, not for the Jnani. His state is the same before and after the body is dropped. We think of the Jnani as a human form or as being in that form; but he knows that he is the Self, the one reality which is both inside and out, and which is not bounded by any form or shape. There is a verse in the Bhagavata (here Bhagavan quoted the verse in Tamil) which says: Just as a man who is drunk is not conscious whether his upper cloth is on his body or has slipped away from it, the Jnani is hardly conscious of his body, and it makes no difference to him whether the body remains or has dropped off. (1.)

He did not encourage curiosity and seldom answered questions about the state of the Jnani or the Realised Man, but when asked whether the Jnani continues to perform a function after the death of the body, I have heard him reply briefly that in some cases he may. Also he himself confirmed what his disciples know now from experience, that the Guru may continue to give guidance after the death of the body, when no longer in human form.

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