
Beauty & Pure 231

All the sastras are meant only
to make the man retrace his steps
to the original source.
He need not gain anything new.
He must only give up
his false ideas
and useless accretions.
Instead of doing it
he tries to catch hold
of something strange
and mysterious
because he believes
that his happiness
lies elsewhere.
That is the mistake.
If one remains as the Self there is bliss.
Probably he thinks that being quiet
does not bring about the state of bliss.
That is due to his ignorance.
The only practice is to find out
“to whom these questions arise.”


Beauty & Pure 230

Q.: What are the steps of practical training (sadhana) ?
M.: It depends on the qualifications and the nature of the seeker.
Q.: I am doing idol worship.
M.: Go on with it.
It leads to concentration of mind.
Get one-pointed.
All will come out right.
People think that freedom (moksha)
is somewhere yonder and should be sought out.
They are wrong.
Freedom (moksha) is only
knowing the Self within yourself.
Concentrate and you will get it.
Your mind is the cycle of births and deaths (samsara).
Q.: My mind is very unsteady.
What should I do?
M.: Fix your attention on any single thing
and try to hold on to it.
All will be right.
Q.: I find concentration difficult.
M.: Go on practising.
Your concentration will be as easy as breathing.
That will be the crown of your achievements.