Bangkok (Thailand) during the Second World War.
At first I had little contact with him because he was very reserved.
After some time, however, I approached him.
I had a craving to understand and asked him
point blank what is TRUTH.
What sticks in my memory is how, sitting beside his bed in the common dormitory, he said.
“I will tell you one truth - Infinity minus X is a contradiction in terms because by the exclusion of X the first term ceases to be infinite.
You grant that?”
Yes, I granted that.
“Well, then,” he said, “think of God as Infinity and yourself as X and try to work it out.”
When I asked for more explanation he just said: “Think this over and come tomorrow at this time and tell me what you make of it.”
I returned to my place in the dormitory, which was only some eight or ten steps distant, and suddenly it flashed upon me that he was right, that you cannot take anything away from the Infinite,
and that I was not apart from it, only I had not known.
The thought made me so happy that I could
hardly wait to speak to him next day, but I did not
like to disturb him earlier.
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