
Beauty & Pure 221

D.: Are there heaven (swarga) and hell (naraka) ?
Maharshi: There must be someone to go there. They are like dreams. We see time and space exist in dream also. Which is true, dream or wakefulness?


Beauty & Pure 220

The moon shines by reflecting the light of the sun. When the sun has set, the moon is useful for displaying objects. When the sun has risen no one needs the moon, though its disc is visible in the sky. So it is with the mind and the heart. The mind is made useful by its reflected light. It is used for seeing objects. When turned inwards, it merges into the source of illumination which shines by Itself and the mind is then like the moon in the daytime."


Beauty & Pure 219

"Meditation should not be on the right or the left. 
Meditation should be on the Self. 
Everyone knows 'I am'. 
Who is the'I'? "


Beauty & Pure 218

M. If you call him a fool who keeps [luggage] on his head [while traveling in a railway carriage], a thousand times more foolish is it to bear your burden when you get into the spiritual life, whether it is Vichara-marga, path of knowledge or Bhakthi-marga, path of devotion.
D. But can I throw off all my responsibilities, all my commitments?
M. Now, look at the temple tower, Gopura. There are many statues in it and there is a big statue, one in each corner. Have you seen them?
D. Yes. I have.
M. Now I tell you this. The big tall tower is supported by those statues.
D. How can that be ? What do you mean?
M. I mean when speaking thus, that it is not more foolish than your attitude when you say that you have to carry and are carrying all cares, burdens, responsibilities, etc.
The Lord of the Universe carries the whole burden. You imagine you do. You can hand all your burden to his care. Whatever you have to do you will be made an instrument for doing that at the right time. Do not think you cannot do it unless you have the desire to do
it. Desire does not give you the strength to do. The strength is the Lord's.
D. Am I to understand that you are giving me the essence of Karma yoga.
M. It is the essence of Karma yoga, of Bhakti yoga, why, even of Jnana yoga, for even though the paths in the beginning may differ, they all eventually lead to this position.


Beauty & Pure 217

By a steady and continuous investigation into the nature of the mind, the mind is transformed into That to which the 'I' refers and that is verily the Self. Mind has necessarily to depend for its existence on something gross: it never subsists by itself. It is this mind that is otherwise called the subtle body, the ego, the jiva or the soul.


Beauty & Pure 216

see you doing things. How can you say that you never perform actions?
BHAGAVAN: The radio sings and speaks, but if you open it you will find no one inside. Similarly, my existence is like the space; though this body speaks like the radio, there is no one inside as a doer.


Beauty & Pure 215

The jnani’s mind is known only to the jnani. One must be a jnani oneself in order to understand another jnani.
However the peace of mind which permeates the saint’s atmosphere is the only means by which the seeker understands the greatness of the saint.
His words or actions or appearance are no indication of his greatness, for they are ordinarily beyond the comprehension of common people.


Beauty & Pure 214

Every jiva experiences his own prarabdha, which is catalysed by the mere Presence of Shiva as the Witness dwelling in the heart of each one. 
Hence, the jiva who does not delude himself by thinking that he is the experiencer of prarabdha, but knows that he is mere Existence-Consciousness, is none but Shiva


Beauty & Pure 213

Knowing the Self is being the Self, and being means existence, one's own existence. No one denies one's existence any more than one denies one's eyes. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi


Beauty & Pure 212

D.: How to turn the mind away from the world?
M.: Is there the world? I mean apart from the Self? Does the world say that
it exists? It is you who say that there is a world. Find out the Self who
says it.
source: Tal