Mr.Thompson, a very quiet young gentleman who is staying in India for some years and studying Hindu Philosophy as an earnest student, asked :
" Srimad Bhagavad Gita" says : "I am the prop for Brahman." In another place, it says : "I am in the Heart of each one." Thus, the different aspects of the Ultimate Principle are revealed. I take it that there are three aspects, namely, (1) the Transcendental, (2) the Immanent, and (3) the Cosmic. Is Realisation to be in any one of these or in all of them ? Coming to the Transcendental from the Cosmic, the Vedanta discards the names anf forms as being Maya. But, I cannot readily appreciate it, because a tree means the trunk, branches, leaves, etc. I cannot dismiss the leaves as Maya. Again, the Vedanta also says that the Whole is Brahman as illustrated by gold and ornaments of gold. How are we to understand the Truth ?
Sri Bhagavan : The Gita says : "Brahmano hi pratishtaham ". If that "aham " is known, the whole is known.
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