
Beauty & Pure 66


For the last four days Bhagavan has been going through Sri Ramana Leela (in Telugu) which has recently been received
from the printers. Seeing in it the translation of one of Avvaiyar’s songs, he said it was not correct. It had been written thus:

“Oh, stomach! You will not go without food even for one day, nor will you take enough for two days at a time. You have no idea of the trouble I have on your account, Oh, wretched stomach! It is impossible to get on with you!”

He said that it was not correct and that it should be:
“You don’t stop eating for a day even. Why won’t you eat once in two days? You do not realize my difficulty even for a day. So the stomach says, ‘Oh, jiva! It is difficult to get on with you’!”

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