
Beauty & Pure 64

The SELF is called by different names -- Atman, God, Kundalini, Mantra, etc. Hold any one of them and the SELF becomes manifest. God is no other than the SELF. Kundalini is now showing forth as the mind. When the mind is traced to its source it is Kundalini. Mantra japa leads to elimination of other thoughts and to concentration on the mantra. The mantra finally merges into the SELF and shines forth as the SELF.

D.: How long is a Guru necessary for Self-Realisation ?

Sri Bhagavan : Guru is necessary so long as there is the laghu (Pun on Guru = heavy ; laghu = light ). Laghu is due to the self-imposed but wrong limitation of the SELF. God, on being worshipped, bestows steadiness in devotion, which leads to surrender. On the devotee surrendering, God shows His mercy by manifesting as the Guru The Guru, otherwise God, guides the devotee, saying that God is in you and He is the SELF. This leads to introversion of the mind and finally to Realisation.

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