“Isvaro gururatmeti” (The Self is the God and Guru). A person seeks
happiness and learns that God alone can make one happy. He prays to God and worships Him.
happiness and learns that God alone can make one happy. He prays to God and worships Him.
God hears his prayers, and responds by appearing in human shape as a
Master in order to speak the language of the devotee and make him
understand the Reality. The Master is thus God manifest as human being. He
gives out His experience so that the seeker might also gain it. His
experience is to abide as the Self. The Self
is within. God, Master and the Self are therefore seeming stages in the
Realisation of the Truth.
Master in order to speak the language of the devotee and make him
understand the Reality. The Master is thus God manifest as human being. He
gives out His experience so that the seeker might also gain it. His
experience is to abide as the Self. The Self
is within. God, Master and the Self are therefore seeming stages in the
Realisation of the Truth.
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