
Beauty & Pure 250


Sri Muruganar :
This joyful Marital Garland of Letters which resembles a
beam of the rays of the rising sun was sung by the noble Sage
Ramana, the ocean of compassion, with the object of removing
the delusion of the devotees who sought his grace. Those who
look upon it as their sole refuge will realize within themselves
that they are Arunachala and will reign in the world of Siva.


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There are said to be six (subtle) organs of different
colours in the chest, of which the spiritual heart is said to be the
one situated two fingers’ breadth, to the right from the centre!
But the heart is also said to be formless. Does that mean that we
should imagine it to have a form and meditate on this?
No; only the quest – ‘Who am I?’ is necessary. That
which continues to exist throughout sleep and waking is the same
being in both; but while waking there is unhappiness and therefore
the effort to remove it. When asked who awakes from sleep, you
say ‘I’. Hold fast to this ‘I’. If that is done the Eternal Being
reveals itself. The most important thing is the investigation of the
‘I’ and not concentration on the heart centre. There is no such
thing as the ‘inner’ and the ‘outer’. Both words mean the same or
nothing at all. Nevertheless, there is also the practice of
concentration on the heart-centre, which is a form of spiritual
exercise. Only he who concentrates on the heart can remain aware
when the mind ceases to be active and remains still, with no
thoughts, whereas those who concentrate on any other centre
cannot retain awareness without thought but only infer that the
mind was still after it has become active again.
In the following passage an English lady remarks on this
awareness without thought and Bhagavan approves.


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Short or long duration applies only
to the dream and waking states.
Someone may say:
‘we have lived so long
and these houses and belongings
are so clearly evident to us
that it surely can’t be all a dream’.
But we have to remember
that even dreams seem long while they last.
It is only when you wake up that you realize
that they only lasted a short time.
In the same way,
when one attains Realization (jnana),
this life is seen to be momentary.
Dreamless sleep means nescience;
therefore it is to be rejected in favour
of the state of pure Awareness.


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If I know my presence then how I know the presence of other person . Is that any feeling in silence present ?


Beauty & Pure 246

He asked:
I am leaving tonight. It gives me pain to tear myself away from this
place. But I must go to America. I ask for a message from the Master. The Master understands me even better than I do myself. So I pray for a message to keep me up when I am away from the Master.
The Master is not outside you as you seem to imagine. He is
within, is in fact the Self. Recognise this truth. Seek within you
and find Him there. Then you will have constant communion with
Him. The message is always there; it is never silent; it can never
forsake you: nor can you ever move away from the Master.
Your mind is outgoing. Because of that tendency it sees objects as
being outside and the Master among them. But the Truth is different. The Master is the Self. Turn the mind within and you will find the objects within. You will also realise that it is the Master who is your very Self and there is nothing but Him.
Because you identify yourself with the body you have accepted
objects as being outside you. But are you the body? You are not.
You are the Self. There are all the objects and the whole universe.
Nothing can escape the Self. How then can you move away from
the Master who is your very Self? Suppose your body moves from
place to place; does it ever move away from your Self? Similarly,
you can never be without the Master.
Mr. Lorey was struck by the answer although he was already
familiar with the Master’s ways. He was even visibly moved. He
prayed that the Grace of the Master might abide with him.
Sri Bhagavan:
The Master being the Self. Grace is inseparable from the Self.
Mr. L. Saluted Sri Maharshi with intense fervour,
saying that he might be enabled to realise the Truth.
Is there any moment when you have not realised the Self? Can
you ever be apart from the Self? You are always That.