M. If you call him a fool who keeps [luggage] on his head [while traveling in a railway carriage], a thousand times more foolish is it to bear your burden when you get into the spiritual life, whether it is Vichara-marga, path of knowledge or Bhakthi-marga, path of devotion.
D. But can I throw off all my responsibilities, all my commitments?
M. Now, look at the temple tower, Gopura. There are many statues in it and there is a big statue, one in each corner. Have you seen them?
D. Yes. I have.
M. Now I tell you this. The big tall tower is supported by those statues.
D. How can that be ? What do you mean?
M. I mean when speaking thus, that it is not more foolish than your attitude when you say that you have to carry and are carrying all cares, burdens, responsibilities, etc.
The Lord of the Universe carries the whole burden. You imagine you do. You can hand all your burden to his care. Whatever you have to do you will be made an instrument for doing that at the right time. Do not think you cannot do it unless you have the desire to do
it. Desire does not give you the strength to do. The strength is the Lord's.
D. Am I to understand that you are giving me the essence of Karma yoga.
M. It is the essence of Karma yoga, of Bhakti yoga, why, even of Jnana yoga, for even though the paths in the beginning may differ, they all eventually lead to this position.