
Beauty & Pure 178

D.: Why then is samsara - creation and manifestation as finitised - so full of sorrow and evil?
M.: God’s will!
D.: Why does God will it so?
M.: It is inscrutable. No motive can be attributed to that Power - no desire, no end to achieve can be asserted of that one Infinite, All-wise and All-powerful Being. God is untouched by activities, which take place in His presence; compare the sun and the world activities. There is no meaning in attributing responsibility and motive to the One before it becomes many. But God’s will for the prescribed course of events is a good solution of the free-will problem (vexata quaestio). If the mind is restless on account of a sense of the imperfect and unsatisfactory character of what befalls us or what is committed or omitted by us, then it is wise to drop the sense of responsibility and free-will by regarding ourselves as the ordained instruments of the All-wise and All-powerful, to do and suffer as He pleases. He carries all burdens and gives us peace.
(From 'Talks of Sri Ramana Maharishi' 28)


Beauty & Pure 177

The aspirant will naturally turn away from the world at once and, with his mind turned inwards, will strive for the goal. It is by turning the mind away from the world that the quest is made, and for that reason the world is certainly to be renounced. ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi


Beauty & Pure 176

Substance and shadow are for the one who sees only the shadow and mistakes it for the substance and sees its shadow also. But there is neither substance nor shadow for the one who
is aware only of the Reality.

~ Sri Ramana Maharshi


Beauty & Pure 175

"Everything is in the Self. In Tamil Nad a great person composed and sang a song the purport of which is, ‘We are like a screen, and the whole world appears like pictures on it. Silence is full and all-pervading’. Like the saying, 'Om Purnamadah Purnamidam Purnat Purnam udachyate Purnasya Purnam aadaaya Purnam eva avashishyate' (From the Fullness when the Full is taken the Full remains) everything appears to be the same for the Realized Soul. Even though he sees something it is as good as his not seeing it."

(Bhagavan in 'Letters from Sri Ramanasramam' 159)


Beauty & Pure 174

If you ask, “What is that great death which will not bring any more birth and which will destroy the innu- merable births and consequent deaths?”, it is the death of the ignorance ‘I’ and ‘mine’.


Beauty & Pure 173

M.: People have read of Vivekananda having asked Sri Ramakrishna , "Have you seen God?" and imitate him now. They also ask, "Have you realised God?" I ask what is realisation. Realisation implies perfection. When you are limited, your perception also is limited. Your knowledge is thus imperfect. Of what value is that imperfect knowledge? In Visvarupa Darsan, Arjuna is told to see whatever he desired and not what was presented before him. How can that darsan be real?
('Talks with Sri Ramana Maharishi' 437)


Beauty & Pure 172

In the recesses of the lotus-shaped Hearts of all, beginning with Vishnu, there shines as pure intellect (Absolute Consciousness) the Paramatman, who is the same as Arunachala Ramana. When the mind melts with love of Him, and reaches the inmost recess of the Heart wherein He dwells as the beloved, the subtle eye of pure intellect opens and He reveals Himself as Pure Consciousness.
('Arunachala Ramana': "Collected Works", 'Miscellaneous Verses')


Beauty & Pure 171

O son, always have [the experience of] non-duality [advaita] in the Heart, but never express non-duality in action. Non-duality may be applied towards the three worlds, but know that non-duality should never be applied towards the Guru.('Guru Vachaka Kovai'), V. B14)


Beauty & Pure 170

Look! While God is bearing the responsibility of the whole world, it is a mockery for the false jiva to think that it shoulders these responsibilities, like the sculpture which appears to carry the temple-tower. Whose fault is it if a passenger in a train, which is hauling a heavy load, suffers by keeping his luggage on his head instead of placing it on the rack?
('Guru Vachaka Kovai', V. B3)


Beauty & Pure 169

That which is called happiness is only the nature of Self; Self is not other than perfect happiness. That which is called happiness alone exists. Knowing that fact and abiding in that state of Self, enjoy bliss eternally.
('Guru Vachaka Kovai' 1029)